Operation Christmas Child is a non-profit Christian organization that ministers to children in needy areas of the world. People can pack shoeboxes filled with toys, school supplies, etc. and then deliver them to their state collection or relay center. Both regular shoeboxes or special Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes ~ which may be found at your church ~ are acceptable in which to pack your things. The national collection week is November 16-23. Even though it's really close, it's not too late. Be a missionary! Find out where your local collection or relay center is, and pack a shoebox today!
*My church is our state collection center, and this year my mother is in charge of the collection. That's why I just so suddenly made this post ~ there's a lot of talk about Operation Christmas Child around my house, so it's kind of been on my mind for awhile! For more information, go to www.samaritanspurse.org/occ
...And when you visit that website, you will see a button that says "Find Drop off location", and you can enter your town and it will give you your relay center or state collection