Maybe New England is finally experiencing the "winter" that it's been experiencing for almost a month. Except for a couple of little snow showers, we had no snow before the New Year; therefore making our Christmas not a white Christmas, but a green Christmas. That's exactly the reason why I put the word "winter" in quotation marks, because winter is supposed to bring snow and cold weather, right? Well except for the Sunday night snowstorm we'd basically had no snow.
At about 12:30am Christmas morning, my family and my aunt's family were still at my grandparents' for our Christmas Eve gathering (yeah, we're of Swedish descent so we go by the Swedish Christmas tradition which is to have your major celebration on Christmas Eve. My great-great-grandfather came to the United States from Sweden in the 1800's). So, well after midnight, my cousin M, my sister S and I are all standing out in the driveway; my sister in a sweatshirt and my cousin and I in short sleeves. This was while we were getting ready to leave while everyone was packing up inside. Yeah, it was ridiculous. For some reason, to me, Christmas feels more like Christmas when there's snow on the ground, and even more so when it's snowing on Christmas Day.
Well, that's all right that we didn't have snow for Christmas. What am I going to do, fly up to Heaven and blame God for not giving us snow on Christmas? Unheard of and just plain impossible. It's not the snow that inspires the Christmas spirit, it's Jesus, the real cause for Christmas. The first Christmas was when Jesus Christ was born to Mary and Joseph, hence the word "Christmas." He is the One who inspires the Christmas feeling. Although a lot of people don't know the true meaning of Christmas, I do and it's not watching the snow fall, decorating a tree or hanging stockings. It's a time to celebrate His birth, and it's also a good time for family time. Very rarely is the entire family together except for holidays and birthday celebrations.
So this year we didn't have snow for Christmas, but at least we're getting some during the wintertime. For New England, there is a huge snowstorm on the forecast for this upcoming weekend. Snow isn't everything. Winter is still something to enjoy. So why not enjoy it while it's still here?