Tuesday, November 10, 2015

My Tenth Post!

Oh my goodness, in the two days I've been blogging I never stopped to think that I posted my ninth post just a couple of hours ago!  I didn't really have anything in mind to post, but I just decided I would post a tenth post just to make that achievement.  I made my first blog post at 4:37 on Sunday afternoon, so, technically it hasn't even been two days.  Thank you, all you blog readers, for your attention, comments and just your presence on this blog.  When you read this blog, it's a big part of making me a joyful blogger.  So, again, a big thank you!


  1. Congrats on your tenth post! I like your blog very much!

  2. Bloggergirl16, thank you very much! I enjoy looking at your blog as well!
